- Services

Accountability Coach

The world is changing faster than ever, and you probably feel like it takes all your energy just to keep up. The typical daily routine has been deconstructed and reimagined. Today's business environment runs more on independence and self-motivation and less on a superior looking over your shoulder.

The Sky's The Limit

Services | M2 Business Coaching
- My Services

Accountability Coach

In our personal lives, we log our daily goals and output on apps. We speed up podcasts to fit them into our day. We try to stay focused while our phones ping with schedule reminders and social notifications. How do we make sense of all this information? How do we stay productive amid the noise? Who makes sure we follow through and turn TO DO into just DO?

That's where I come in. As your trusted accountability coach, I help you:

  • Turn your to-dos and deadlines into a set of attainable goals
  • Learn strategies to improve focus and take action
  • Avoid procrastination
  • Achieve a winning “I Can” mindset

You can self-motivate and learn self-discipline without doing it all yourSELF. M2 Business Coaching is standing by as your guide to personal and professional accountability.

Business Coach

I didn't become an executive business coach by taking classes and earning a fancy certificate. I'm an executive coach because I have a lifetime of experience in the field, in the business trenches. This is my way of giving back and adding value.

M2 Business Coaching supports start-ups, entrepreneurs and other small businesses through techniques that are time-tested, occasionally unconventional and always combined with a personal touch.

Our executive business coaching includes the following:

  • One-on-one and team coaching
  • Identifying your strengths, weaknesses and pain points
  • Creating strategies that address all aspects of your business
  • Learning how to sell, market and network
  • Improving your mindset and emotional intelligence
  • Honing your executive presence

We begin with a consultation, then map out a series of strategy sessions to create a business plan and put it to work.

Leadership Coach

The ability to lead is vital to your success from early management positions all the way up to senior leadership roles. Strong leadership is more than simply planning an objective and projecting confidence and authority. A true leader needs to understand how to motivate and communicate with each one of his or her followers and inspire them to work together to achieve a common goal.

M2 Business Coaching shares with you the tools and methods to strengthen your leadership skills.

What makes a great leader stand out?

  • Confidence
  • Communication
  • People Management
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Planning and Delivery
  • Adaptability
  • Persuasion and Influence
  • Processing Feedback

We offer various leadership programs that focus on:

  • Negotiation Skills
  • Empowering and motivating your team
  • Setting long-term and attainable goals
  • Creating your personal leadership style
  • Conflict resolution
- Testimonials

Results That Speak for Themselves

"So, the internet can be a tricky place. We hear horror stories from people getting scammed, or just not happy with the company they chose. You can imagine how hesitant I was, picking a business coaching company to help me with my business planning. I stumbled upon M2 Business Coaching while researching online and called to set up my free initial appointment with owner Mark Mesnick. We met a week later with me asking if he would be able to help me. We went back and forth about my business ideas that were all over the map. Mark said, problem one identified! I learned much more about Mark's extensive lifetime resume and my hour flew by fast as I was super comfortable with Mark. I hired him shortly after and we have since been working hand in hand organizing my business plans."

Douglas Steigerwald

Business Development/Rainmaker @ FreeGiftDelivery.com

"I have known Mark for over 40 years and have watched his business grow tremendously during that time. As a successful, self-made entrepreneur, Mark has great insight into when and where to cultivate new business, how to build strong customer relationships resulting in repeat business, and leading his team with integrity and respect. He is skilled in all aspects of running a business. Mark's role as a football official for 30+ years has given him additional experience in teamwork and the ability to see the whole playing field when making decisions. I was an executive with a Fortune 500 company, and we often collaborated on ideas regarding how to build and maintain a successful career. Mark is very personable and dedicated to seeing every one of his clients succeed. I know his unique insight would be an asset to helping you achieve your professional goals."

Victoria B.

Retired VP with a Fortune 500 company